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Hanszen Laporte Triumphant in Maryland Class Action

October 19, 2022

Aaron Wagner and John Michael Kearns made their mark in Maryland State Court when the two were thrown into a serious consumer finance dispute. With class certification on the line and trial looming, Wagner and Kearns spearheaded a focused defense for one of the firm’s national clients. The team’s efforts defeated Plaintiffs’ class certification attempts, and then, confronting an imminent trial date, they worked tirelessly to ensure that the case and the client were prepared and ready for trial.

These efforts, along with a fully developed strategy, created the opportunity for a favorable resolution, thereby avoiding further costs, expenses, and risks. Once again, Hanszen Laporte’s preparation and willingness to forge into trial proved that a strong gameplan effected by the best trial attorneys drive the desired results.

Congratulations again to Aaron and John Michael!
